A few years back three wet fingered, digitally minded dentists eager to learn and develop went on a CEREC implant restoration course in Lisbon. It was Adam Nulty, Chris Lefkaditis and Patrik Zachrisson, and we soon found out how much we had in common and that were keen to share our extensive varied experience in dentistry, implants, dental materials and all things digital. We decided to work together and founded the Digital Dental Academy. We have now been joined by Qvintus van Tonder in our efforts to train, teach, mentor and provide high end dentistry.
We are all keen to promote unbiased learning and development, and now lecture widely in the UK and abroad. We are keen to enhance our own learning in order to teach and mentor more. Things have developed quickly and we now run courses, workshops and lectures. Together we set up the UKs first MSc course in Digital dentistry.
Why WE stand out from the rest!
We have worked intensely for some time now and are always busy and committed to learning, developing and mentoring. We have a vision for us to become a the team that teaches ALL dental digital technologies within our new practice; delivering every aspect of modern dentistry, in a high tech setting whilst still retaining our friendly, caring attitude for the benefit of the patient by making sure more and more dentists are taking in the latest information and develops their practices beyond what is thought to undergraduates and this is shown in all our social media outlets.
We share the highest levels of clinical care and technical expertise in educational social media posts, with enthusiasm and dedication whilst always putting the patient’s interest first. The patient experience and treatment outcomes are imperative to our team, from when the patient enters to leaving.

The Digital Dental Academy was formed by Adam Nulty, Patrik Zachrisson, Chris Lefkaditis and Quintus Van Tonder
The Digital Dental Academy has grown into one of the worlds largest community of digital dentistry dedicated to the professions of dentists, technicians and auxillaries, offering courses on a range of digital dentistry subjects with 15,000+ members
Collectively, Adam Nulty, Chris Lefkaditis, Patrik Zachrisson and Quintus Van Tonder have won nearly two dozen industry awards. Best Practice, Best Team, Best High Technology Practice, Best Patient Care and several Aesthetic Dentistry Awards.
The DDA expand internationally to form the International Digital Dental Academy. With representatives around the world.
The IDDA launch the UK’s first Digital Dentistry Masters Degree. The Masters programme is aimed at the higher educational needs of General Dental Practitioners who intend to introduce digital dentistry as a treatment modality into their practices
The IDDA launch the UK’s first Digital Dentistry training centre and patient clinic – The Digital Smile Studio
CQC – Statement of Purpose
DDA Clinic Ltd. trading as Digital Smile Studio – Statement of Purpose
This practice is registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission for the following activities:
1. Diagnostic and screening procedures
For the whole population, we aim to see each patient at a personal and mutually agreed recall interval and perform a full examination of both the hard and soft tissues and supporting structures of the oral cavity, using diagnostic aids such as x-rays as and when appropriate. Where any abnormalities are detected, then further investigations such as biopsies and actions such as referrals will be actioned.
2. Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
For the whole population, following diagnosis and screening, patients are given an explanation of any items requiring attention, all appropriate treatment options and associated costs (where applicable) and the pros and cons of each option is explained.
The kinds of services that we provide are consultations, x-rays, 3D cone beam, treatment of periodontal disease, routine restorative work such as fillings, crowns, inlays and onlays, bridges, endodontics, fixed and removable prostheses and cosmetic work. We also offer orthodontic treatment using near-invisible and discrete appliances suitable for general dental practitioners to prescribe and dental implant placement and restoration. If necessary, referral to specialist dental practitioners may be advised where the treatment required is more complex, such as in the case of more difficult instances involving endodontic and periodontal care or where sedation is requested.
In the case of injury, temporary treatment may be provided to stabilise the mouth. Patients will be kept fully informed of proposed interventions at each point, receive itemised estimates of likely costs and consent will be sought at each stage. At all times we aim to provide a service based on prevention and develop a personal regime for each patient within this overarching framework.
3.Surgical procedures
For the whole population, if a patient requires a surgical procedure at the practice, and we believe that this is within our skill set (such as routine or more straightforward surgical extractions, apicectomies and implant placement) then we will explain the procedure to the patient together with any associated risks and, if the patient wishes to proceed, obtain appropriate valid consent. Once completed, we will monitor the progress of the patient in accordance with the relevant clinical protocols to ensure that recovery is both full and uneventful.
For more advanced surgical procedures, such as the removal of impacted wisdom teeth, we refer to appropriately qualified consultants and specialists, either in hospitals or a practice environment.
We aim to meet the routine and general dental care needs of our patients and try to achieve high levels of oral health through adopting a preventive approach. If the users of our services require or request to have a treatment or procedure that we are either unable or unwilling to provide, then we will either arrange for a referral or inform them accordingly.
For completeness, we also have some core practice aims and values that we publicly promote to patients and these are as follows:
As a practice we will:
- Promote a culture of good and open communication with patients so they can help shape our service provision.
- Charge fair and reasonable prices and offer a choice of payment methods.
- Wherever possible, see patients on time and give an apology and an explanation if we run late by more than ten minutes.
- Operate within a policy and culture of openness and honesty in everything we do.
- Use good quality modern materials and techniques.
- Support continuing staff training and development.
- Spend sufficient time with patients.
Our patients can help us achieve these aims by:
- Attending for appointments on time and giving adequate notification of cancellation.
- Understanding the need for change to sustain a good quality service.
- Attending the practice regularly and listening to the professional advice given.
- Joining the practice membership plan and paying fees promptly.
- Providing feedback on all aspects of the service in a friendly and courteous manner.
If, for any reason, you are dissatisfied with our service in any way, then please ask to speak to the Practice Manager. This practice is registered with the Care Quality Commission for the provision of general dental care.
Registered service provider: DDA Clinic Ltd. trading as Digital Smile Studio
Practice principals: Adam Nulty, Chris Lefkaditis, Patrik Zachrisson & Quintus Van Tonder
Registered manager: Chris Lefkaditis
Registered address for service provision: 128 Harley Street, London. W1G 7JT
Telephone: 02079358811
E-mail: [email protected]
DDA Clini Ltd. is a dental body corporate registered in England number 11975894
Registered Office: 128 Harley Street, London. W1G 7JT
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